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Agglutinate Curlicue

"I started the Agglutinate series during the Lockdown period, and noticed the works developed in line with my emotional state. There was a sense of catharsis in my creative output, and being isolated with my parents in deepest darkest Yorkshire afforded me the time and space to investigate and experiment with how my temperament can affect what I create. This series is an indirect diary of the time, and throughout the pieces there is a strong sense of transition, which aims to highlight a journey through making. 'Agglutinate Curlicue' is the final piece in this series and has the strongest geometric detail out of the collection. This very disjointed and unsettling time influenced the way I manipulated and collaged forms, with the amount of painterly detail changing over the series. The beginning was sinuous and graceful, the end was geometric and harsh, and the journey was messy."
earthenware clay, underglaze, coloured clay slip, acrylic sheet
47.0 x 25.0 x 25.0 cm
Images & text © Aphra O'Connor

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