Object Image

It is said that there is both danger and strength among closeness

This piece is a celebration of traditionally hand-crafted work and process, steeping itself, and taking up space, in the contemporary art world. An amalgamation of the woven element combined with the hand of the mechanical machine encourages a paradoxical conversation between the materiality of this process. Aesthetically, prancing and fleeting limbs present the viewer with a voyeuristic and ritualistic encounter of bodies within a fictional land abundant with chaos existing within the weave, an emblematic image that is glitched, staggered and repeated across the soft yet impenetrable surface. Informed through the symbolic act of exchange through folkloric storytelling and word of mouth happenings, this work is transcribed and manifested through natural materials such as lambswool and stone, rooted in the rural history of the land in which we all mutually exist.
lambswool, cotton thread, aluminium, acrylic, Iranian pink onyx
132.0 x 127.0cm
Image & text © Sophie Goodchild

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