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Untitled (Moon Child)

Nourished by in-depth research and largely influenced by the future of humankind, Vidal dedicated six years to the invention of an imaginary future place whose inhabitants consists only of feral children named the Lost Boys. Informed by novels such as 'Lord of the Flies' by William Golding, the artist continues to chart new corners of this world through golden ceramic sculptures and theatrical charcoal drawings. She comments on this piece that: "The charcoal drawing piece 'Untitled (Moon Child)' lures the viewer into a world where time is suspended. In this environment, human beings are depicted as a tribe of feral children named the Lost Boys. Naked, tattooed with patterns and grafitti, they appear to be engaged in some play picking through the detritus of a destroyed civilization to birth a new world built on myth, wonder and mystery."
152.0 x 190.0cm
© Emma Vidal. Image courtesy of The Ingram Collection © JP Bland

This work is part of The Ingram Collection of Modern British & Contemporary Art.

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