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Morning Room
Initially Linley used this room as his studio, extending it and installing a larger window at the back for this purpose. Later he moved upstairs to the Drawing Room. The Morning Room then became Marion’s domain, and it was here that she would manage the household staff, entertain callers and write letters. The decoration of the Morning Room reflects Marion’s taste and is lighter than many other rooms in the house, with a predominance of 18th-century furniture. It is also hung with oil paintings, while the rest of the house is mainly decorated with prints and photographs. One of the first things the Sambournes did when they moved into Stafford Terrace was to install fashionable Morris & Co. papers throughout the house. Most of these were gradually replaced by Linley, but the Morning Room retained the original scheme – probably at Marion’s request. The papers here now date from around 1912 but are the same Pomegranate and Trellis designs that were originally chosen by Linley and Marion.

Where you'll find this

Sambourne House
Sambourne House
