Object Image

Infinite Sunshine

In this painting, infinite sunshine. there's a few, , repeated themes, I guess, in that kind of tradition of pop art in terms of that, uh, there's repetition and, um, the continual kind of use of, of things that you have, you know, access to yourself, um, you know, around your home, they're pretty generic kind of kind of images, you know, the wine bottle, , the pill form, uh, and even, I guess the, the kind of the poorly rendered acid tabs, um, are all things that, that most of us would be fairly familiar with.

I've put them together in a way here I think that is really about, commenting, on the way that, that we're kind of sold this sort of concept of…we should be happy all of the time, every single moment, and when we're not, you know, there's something wrong.

Um, and if, if we're not happy all the time, you know, we can just fix it with, um, you know, with a simple, with a simple piece of medication. Um, you know, I think it's an interesting way of looking at the world. I'm trying to not be overly cynical about it. Um, I think just, just noting it almost from a, um, a satirical perspective, um, looking at the fun and particularly, and possibly how ridiculous, I guess that idea is, um, you know, we're probably the, you know, we probably would never have considered that in many other periods of history, you know, we would never really have had an expectation to be happy every moment of every day.

I think maybe one of the things with this painting is sort of noting the, the kind of triangulate device that the wine bottles sitting on.

I don't think this was intentional when I painted it, but afterwards I was considering is, is that, is that kind of, um, is that device there to sort of support everything else is, you know, looking at the, kind of the, the trim of it with the cloud, like, you know, the nice blue sky in the cloud sort of structure, you know, is it that our, that our happiness can actually just be supported by supported by ideas and, and good thinking and good, critical points of view of, of things that support how we look at the world.

Maybe that's more important, you know, that small slither is possibly, you know, far more important to us.

Then, you know, all of the medication that we’re sold or, you know, told that we, that we need, maybe we just need, more good thinking, and more, more time critically thinking to understanding why we feel the way we feel.

I think that's kind of where I…where I landed with that.

I certainly don't mean that to say that, um, if you have a significant issue that you shouldn't be seeking medical help, but that the, you know, the kind of this unrealistic idea that we're sold, that we need to be constantly happy otherwise there's a problem. Yeah. I think that's, I think that's an issue in our world at the moment.

Price $990 | Mixed mediums on canvas
122.0 x 96.0cm

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